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South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science (SCBG, CAS) signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG) in Macao on June 10, 2011, to study together the effects of climate change on ecological environment in Macao. Prof. HUANG Hongw...
CO2, CH4 and N2O are all important greenhouse gases, which mainly come from soil of forest ecosystems. At present, it is a highlight to research mechanisms of greenhouse gases from forest soil. To determine the effects ofunderstory removal and Cassia alata addition on emission of soil greenhouse ...
Forest plantations occupy approximately 264 million ha worldwide, which support the increasing local and global demands for wood and have been considered as potential fast-response carbon sinks that may mitigate the rise of atmospheric CO2 concentrations. In China, the area of plantations is near...
The genus Euphorbia includes succulent shrubs distributing in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. These plants increase their biomass promptly in semi-deserts. Euphorbia plant cells accumulate sterols, di- and tri-terpenoids. The major components of Euphorbia latex are triterpenes; cra...
Sporopollenin is a complex polymer that is composed of fatty acids and phenolic compounds. The precise structure of sporopollenin is unknown. Sporopollenin is resistant to nonoxidative physical, chemical, and biological treatments and insoluble in both aqueous and organic solvents. This chemical ...
Tel:0086-20-38314070 Email:yuyan@scbg.ac.cn
Address:No.723,Xingke Road,Tianhe District,Guangzhou,China Postcode:510650
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