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The relationship between tree productivity and biomass not only reflects plant adaptation and the interaction of plants and the environment, but also has significant implications in global carbon cycling, climate change, and forest management. However, how biotic factors (e.g. tree age, diameter ...
On October 20, Prof. BAI Chunli, the President of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), made an inspection of South China Botanical Garden (SCBG), accompanied by Prof. ZHAN Wenlong, the Vice President of CAS. Prof. HUANG Hongwen, director of SCBG, and Profs. REN Hai and FU Shenglei, deputy directors...
Hybridization followed by allopolyploidization is a principal speciation mode for Eleusine (Poaceae) in East Africa and Americas. Recently, Dr. LIU Qing of South China Botanical Garden and her cooperators of Smithsonian Institution employed two LCN markers and plastid markers to support independe...
More and more studies indicate that, nitrogen deposition inhibites forest soil methane (CH4) uptake. Consequently, nitrogen (N) deposition increases atmospheric CH4 concentration due to weaken the function of forest soil as CH4 sink. This standpoint has been supported by Dr. ZHANG Wei (Zhang et a...
Dr. LIU Lei and ZHANG Tao from South China Botanical Garden investigated the responses of soil microbial biomass and community composition to phosphorus (P) addition in three tropical forests. They found that addition of P significantly altered the microbial community composition and increased so...
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