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Flower is the sexual reproductive organ of flowering plants. In the traditional theory of pollination biology, pollinators determine the evolution of flower traits. That is to say, suites of floral characters (including shape, color, scent, and reward), which are known as pollination syndromes, r...
The Primulina tabacum Hance is a first grade rare and endangered plant in China. The professor MA Guohua etc in Key Laboratory of South China Agricultural Plant Breeding and Genetics, South China Botanical Garden have successful launched of the plant biotechnology and reintroduction. They have fu...
Wenchengia C. Y. Wu & S. Chow, a rare and endangered monotypic genus of Lamiaceae, is endemic to the island of Hainan. The genus and its sole member species, W. alternifolia C. Y. Wu & S. Chow was established on the basis of two collections (four sheets) from the 1930s. The genus is characterized...
Figs are the inflorescences of fig trees (Ficus spp. Moraceae). They are shaped like a hollow ball, lined on their inner surface by numerous tiny female flowers. Pollination is carried out by host-specific fig wasps (Agaonidae). Female pollinators enter the figs through a narrow entrance gate. Th...
Since aboveground communities and belowground communities are intimately linked and these linkages greatly affect ecosystem properties, removal of plant functional groups from aboveground communities will exert a great impact on belowground communities. Based on the previous works that found plan...
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