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Bretschneidera sinensis Hemsl., a relic of the ancient Tertiary tropical flora endemic to Asia, is one of the Chinese class-I protected wild plants. Sporadically distributed in mountain forests of provinces south of the Yangtze River in China, it has recently also been found in Myanmar, Thai...
Both genetic drift and divergent selection are expected to be strong evolutionary forces driving population differentiation on edaphic habitat islands. However, the relative contribution of genetic drift and divergent selection to population divergence has rarely been tested simultaneously. ...
Heterostyly is an adaptation found in numerous families that enables outbreeding in dioecious flowers, complementing self-incompatibility mechanisms. However, an evolutionary transition to homostyly with high levels of self-fertilization is frequently seen, with consequences for the genetic struc...
Atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition is changing in both load quantity and chemical composition. The load effects have been studied extensively, whereas the composition effects remain poorly understood. We conducted a microcosm experiment to study how N chemistry affected the soil microbial c...
The Fifth Workshop on Biodiversity Conservation & Management from Nov.13-Nov.27, 2017 Sponsored by Bureau of International Co-operation, Chinese Academy of Sciences was successfully organized in South China Botanical Garden (SCBG), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Nineteen Participants fro...
Tel:0086-20-38314070 Email:yuyan@scbg.ac.cn
Address:No.723,Xingke Road,Tianhe District,Guangzhou,China Postcode:510650
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