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Researchers from Dinghushan Forest Ecosystem Research Station of South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SCBG) provide strong evidence of microbial control over soil carbon (C) decomposition and suggest the future trajectory of soil C may be more responsive to changes in soil m...
Plant growth in terrestrial ecosystems is commonly limited by nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P). At high latitudes, temperature is low, soil N mineralization is also low, and plant growth is often limited by available N. In tropical forests on old soils, available soil P is low, and plant growth is ...
Chinese researchers have disclosed that the nitrogen and phosphorous interactions can promote uptake of both nutrients by plants.
Nitrogen and phosphorus are two of the essential nutrient elements for plant growth. But how the interactions of the two elements differ among different terrestria...
Plant hydraulic traits represent strategies of water transport efficiency and safety, affecting the growth, survival and distribution of trees under different environmental conditions.
Although both can contribute to the variation of plant hydraulic traits, the effects of environment and phyl...
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