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Tropical forests have some of the largest trees and fastest plant growth on Earth, even though they are often found on infertile soils. Tropical soils generally have low availability of phosphorus (P), one of the nutrients essential for photosynthesis, which maintains plant growth. As a result, t...
For further reading please refer to: https://www.nature.com/articles/d42473-019-00369-0
Orchidantha N. E. Brown is the only genus in the monogeneric family Lowiaceae in order Zingiberales (Larsen 1998). This family is mainly distributed in tropical Asia (Borneo, Peninsular Malay and Indo-China Peninsula) and the center is Borneo. Lowiaceae was first reported from China by WU (1964) ...
Little known is the fact that Chinese scientists have participated in joint research and biodiversity protection in the Amazon since 2008, contributing their wisdom to the world's largest tropical rainforest.
For many ordinary Chinese, the Amazon rainforest represents the most pristine and pe...
Mineral protection is an important way to prevent soil organic carbon (SOC) from being preserved by microbial decomposition, especially in acidic soils, such as iron and aluminum oxides plays an important role in SOC stabilization. Previous studies have shown the significant differences in the ra...
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