2010-05-13South China Botanical Garden Reveals a New Mechanism of Earthworm InvasionIt was the fact that the feeding process of Pheretimoid disrupted the essential relationship between Lumbricidae and soil microorganisms and consequently hindered litter consumption and ruined the life of Lumbricidae in the temperate northern American forest This study revealed a new mechanism of earthworm invasion,presented additional approache... Lumbricidae and Pheretimoid were the two most popular invasive earthworm groups in this world. It is notable that although the introduced Lumbricidae have distributed widely in northern China, the abundance declined significantly in southern China where many native earthworm of Pheretimoid dominated. This distribution pattern of earthworm may re...Read More
2010-05-09“The Terrestrial Plant Resources in Guangzhou” PublishedThe book entitled The Terrestrial Plant Resources in Guangzhou has recently been published by Guangdong Science and Technology Press. In addition,it is also the first time for a large city in China to launch such kind of synthetical investigation. The data and conclusions from the investigation can provide important theoretical and practical sup... The book entitled The Terrestrial Plant Resources in Guangzhou has recently been published by Guangdong Science and Technology Press. Edited by Dr. WANG Ruijiang of South China Botanical Garden, the monograph is composed of nine chapters, which are: 1) the outline of the nature and plant resources in Guangzhou; 2) the biodiversity of the ferns; ...Read More
2010-05-06SCBG Holds the First Academic Annual MeetingThere were about 100 staff members from six research fields of SCBG attending the meeting In this annual meeting,ten academic reports,which were recommended by the six research fields,respectively,were presented. These reports revealed the research highlights in the recent development of scientific research work. The speakers included multi-leve... On April 30th, South China Botanical Garden (SCBG) held the First Academic Annual Meeting. The meeting was presided by Dr. FU Shenglei, the deputy director of SCBG. Prof. HUANG Hongwen, the director of SCBG, attended the meeting and gave an address to all participants. There were about 100 staff members from six research fields of SCBG attending...Read More
2010-05-053rd Woon-young Chun Lecture Series Held at SCBG100 graduates and researchers from Canton universities and research institutes as well as SCBG to attend the lecture. Deputy director of SCBG Prof. They all presented respective excellent lecture. All 4 lectures were integrated with the newest research results and the future developments on the field of ecology or botany. Woon-young Chun Lecture... The 3rd Woon-young Chun Lecture Series was held at South China Botanical Garden (SCBG) on April 28, with ca.100 graduates and researchers from Canton universities and research institutes as well as SCBG to attend the lecture. Deputy director of SCBG Prof. FU Shenglei hosted and addressed the Lecture Series.Read More
Four famous experts who were invit... -
2010-05-03A Delegation from Aceh Province, Indonesia Visits SCBGAccompanied by the International Cooperation Department, China Council for Promotion of Nationalities Trade, a delegation of Aceh province, Indonesia visited Souch China Botanical Garden (SCBG) on May 1. The delegation was composed of over 10 people, including Mr. Said Mustafa, Aceh Governor's Assistant for Economic and Development, Mr. Anwar Mu...Read More
2010-04-21Study on Conservation and Reintroduction of Primulina tabacum Makes New ProgressWith the support of the National Basic Research Program of China and the Guangdong and Guangzhou Sci-Tech Planning Projects, Prof. REN Hai and his colleagues of South China Botanical Garden have studied the conservation and reintroduction requirements of Primulina tabacum Hance, a rare and endangered plant in China.Read More
Primulina tabacum Hance i... -
2010-04-20New Progress on Seed Supply and Regeneration Potential for Plantations in Southern China MadeSupported by the Natural Science Foundation of China and supervised by Prof. REN Hai, two postgraduates of South China Botanical Garden, WANG Jun and LI Danyan have studied the seed supply and the regeneration potential for plantations and shrubland in southern China and obtained new discovery.Read More
Currently in southern China, large areas of for... -
2010-04-18Work Summary and Symposium of the Project “Investigation, Collection and Conservation of Non-food Biodiesel Plants and Related Microbe Resources” Held in Nankunshan Nature ReserveThe work summary and symposium on National Science and Technology Groundwork Program “Investigation, collection and conservation of non-food biodiesel plants and related microbe resources” was held in Nankunshan Nature Reserve of Guangdong Province from 6 to 8 April 2010. More than 70 delegates, including Academician HONG Deyuan from CAS Insti...Read More