
Scientists from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Visit SCBG

Date: Aug 29, 2009

In August, 2009, Prof. Yukio Kakuda and John Shi from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, visited SCBG under the invitation of Prof. JIANG Yueming, the principal investigator of Postharvest Biology Research Group of SCBG.

During the visit, Prof. Yukio Kakuda presented a lecture entitled "Natural Antioxidants". He systematically introduced the development of natural antioxidants over the world and his new research achievements. Prof. John Shi too made a lecture entitled "Green extraction technology with intergraded nanotechnology for health benefits of functional food ingredients". He introduced the history and application of green extraction technology. Many staffs and postgraduates of SCBG attended the seminar. They communicated well with two professors regarding relevant topics.

Both Yukio Kakuda and John Shi are excellent agricultural scientists in Canada, and they both work on the same field of functional food and have gained great achievements.


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