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Currently in South China, large areas of plantations are still in pioneer stage with inadequate ecosystem services due to the absence of indigenous tree species. To improve our understanding of whether and how direct seeding can lead to the establishment of indigenous tree species, Dr. WANG Jun o...
Currently in South China, large areas of plantations are still in pioneer stage with inadequate ecosystem services due to the absence of indigenous tree species. To improve our understanding of whether and how direct seeding can lead to the establishment of indigenous tree species, Dr. WANG Jun o...
South China Botanical Garden (SCBG), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Maruzen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Japan (Maruzen Pharm) signed a cooperation contract for licorice research in Guangzhou on February 18, 2011. Prof. HUANG Hongwen, director of SCBG and Mr. IMOTO Katsue, president of Maruzen...
From Bulletin No. 1 of Department of Agriculture of Guangdong Province in 2011 issued recently, "ZhiYou 523", a new hybrid rice combination, bred by Prof. ZHANG Mingyong and his colleagues from South China Botanical Garden (SCBG) passed the audit of the thirty-fifth crop breed evaluation of Guang...
On Februnay11, Prof. LU Yongxiang, the vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the president of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), made a special inspection of South China Botanical Garden (SCBG), accompanied by Prof. ZHANG Zhibing, director of Bureau of Life...
Tel:0086-20-38314070 Email:yuyan@scbg.ac.cn
Address:No.723,Xingke Road,Tianhe District,Guangzhou,China Postcode:510650
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