Getting here
The environmental concern in mining areas is primarily related to spilled mine tailings, emitted dust, and acid mine drainage (AMD) transported into aquatic ecosystems. Heavy metals are highly persistent and non-biodegradable contaminants that have been reported to cause toxic effects in animals ...
Pollen is one of the most valuable sources of evidence for phylogenetic analysis, clarifying higher-level relationships, and studies of origins of the family. The Annonaceae have the greatest diversity in basal angiosperms among and within genera, not only at the macromorphological level but also...
Dr. ZHUANG Ping from Soil Ecology Research Group at South China Botanical Garden, CAS, had published an article, titled “Health Risk from Heavy Metals via Consumption of Food Crops in the Vicinity of Dabaoshan Mine, South China”, which has been identified by SciVerse Scopus as the 25 most cited...
About the IABG
The International Association of Botanical Gardens (IABG) was founded in Paris in 1954 and is a worldwide organization affiliated to the International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) and a scientific member of IUBS, as a commission of the International Association of Botan...
Cadmium contamination has been a worldwide public health concern, because Cd has the potential to bioaccumulate in plants and invertebrates and a greater potential for trophic transfer along some food chains. Metal bioavailability and detoxification in plants is controlled by biological manipulat...
Tel:0086-20-38314070 Email:yuyan@scbg.ac.cn
Address:No.723,Xingke Road,Tianhe District,Guangzhou,China Postcode:510650
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