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The pantropical flowering plant family Annonaceae comprises c. 108 genera and c. 2300 species of trees, shrubs and lianas, and the largest number of species occurs in tropical Asia, followed by tropical Americaand Africa. Being the largest family in the early-divergent Magnoliales, Annonaceae are...
Pollen is a male germ cell carrying genetic information, and its morphology has strong genetic conservatism. In angiosperms, in addition to the single pollen, there aredyads, tetrads, octads and polyads. In entomophilous plants, polyads ensures that pollinators can carry a larger amount of pollen...
South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences organized the mid-term assessment meeting of the project “Development of New Technologies for Post-harvest Quality and Quality Control of Large-scale and Characteristic Fruits and Vegetables in South China (Project Number: 2016YFD040...
Anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition has accelerated terrestrial N cycling at regional and global scales, causing nutrient imbalance in many natural and semi-natural ecosystems. How added N affects ecosystems where N is already abundant, and how plants acclimate to chronic N deposition in s...
Disentangling ecological processes that influence community assembly and species diversity across spatial scales remains a major goal of community ecology. Community assembly processes influence spatial patterns of species diversity through their interactions with plant functional traits. He...
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