Getting here
Carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are fundamental elements of plants and ecosystems. Investigation on stoichiometric relationships between soil C, N, and P could improve our understanding on nutrient cycling and provide valuable information for forest management.
To advance the spat...
Light serves as a pivotal external signal that regulates autotrophic plant growth and development throughout the plant life cycle from germination to seed formation. After perceiving light, these photoreceptors transmit the signal through a cascade to regulate the transcriptome, ultimately trigge...
Much effort has gone into a mechanistic understanding of how atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition may affect plant growth via nutritional status and photosynthesis, but the possible involvement of hydraulically mediated responses, especially those of leaf hydraulics remains unclear.
In a recen...
The Dinghushan National Nature Reserve located in subtropical China faced typhoon Mangkhut in 2018. This led to damage to the vegetation and highlighted the sensitivity of the ecosystem to storms that will inevitably emerge as a result of climate change. Tree population comparisons and damage, be...
Orchid plants are the most species-rich plants and highly interact with pollinators via visual or olfactory cues. Biosynthesis and emission of floral scent (e.g. linalool, geraniol) to the atmosphere facilitate the olfactory cues and ensure successful pollination. Economically important ornamenta...
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Address:No.723,Xingke Road,Tianhe District,Guangzhou,China Postcode:510650
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