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Northern Hemisphere forests changed drastically since the early Eocene due to global climate change. Central to the floristic replacement with significant ecological consequence are the roughly 900 species currently recognized within Fagaceae (oak, beech, chestnut, stone oak). Fossils of mod...
To develop sophisticated approaches for distinguishing goji origins, 325 wolfberry fruit samples of a certain cultivar, plant age, drying method and collection season were gathered from 26 producing areas across Northwest China in 2017 and 2018. We employed 49 indices, including stable isoto...
With the rapid development of economy, heavy metal pollution of farmland soil and crops caused by various natural and human factors is becoming more and more serious. In situ passivation remediation technology is a highly respected treatment method at present. It can reduce the absorption of heav...
Sphaeropteris lepifera, a tree fern belonging to the family Cyatheaceae, is valued medicinally and horticulturally. Despite its present conservation status, this fern represents an ancient lineage that originated ca. 300 million years ago, became relatively widespread, and, later, underwent extin...
Atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition and increasing precipitation affect carbon sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems, but how these two concurrent global change variables affect xylem growth in trees (i.e. independently or interactively) remains unclear. South China Botanical Garden conducted n...
Tel:0086-20-38314070 Email:yuyan@scbg.ac.cn
Address:No.723,Xingke Road,Tianhe District,Guangzhou,China Postcode:510650
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