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Sara Oldfield Sends Congratulatory Letter for SCBG's 80th Anniversary Celebration

On October 21, Ms. Sara Oldfield, the Secretary General of Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) sent a congratulatory letter to Prof. HUANG Hongwen, the director of South China Botanical Garden (SCBG), CAS to warmly celebrate SCBG's 80th anniversary.

In this letter, she first expresses her enthusiastic congratulation to Huang and all staff of SCBG for the celebration occasion; then she briefly recalls the development process of SCBG and highlights the fruitful association and cooperation between BGCI and SCBG. She highly praises SCBG's scientific research and plant conversation, especially ex-situ collection and conversation for the family Magnoliaceae. Finally, she hopes BGCI will continue collaborating closely with SCBG - one of the world's premier botanical gardens, to consolidate the strong friendship.

All staff members of SCBG feel happy and excited to receive Sara's congratulatory letter, and are looking forward to her visit to 80th anniversary celebration of SCBG on 18 November 2009. 


Sara Oldfield's Congratulatory Letter

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